See google scholar for a full list of publications.
New pre-prints!
Context-Seq: CRISPR-Cas9 Targeted Nanopore Sequencing for Transmission Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance
Bacterial strain sharing between humans, animals, and the environment among urban households
Selected publications:
Fuhrmeister et al. (2023). Evaluating the relationship between community water and sanitation access and the global burden of antibiotic resistance: an ecological study. The Lancet Microbe.
Cherukumilli, Ray, & Pickering (2023). Evaluating the hidden costs of drinking water treatment technologies. Nature Water.
Crider, Tsuchiya, Mukundwa, Ray, & Pickering. (2023). Adoption of point-of-use chlorination for household drinking water treatment: a systematic review. Environmental Health Perspectives.
Cantrell, Sylvestre, Scheidegger, Curchod, Gute, Griffiths, Julian, & Pickering. Hands Are Frequently Contaminated with Fecal Bacteria and Enteric Pathogens Globally: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Environment Au.
Nadimpalli et al. (2022). Drinking water chlorination has minor effects on the intestinal flora and resistomes of Bangladeshi children. Nature Microbiology.
Swarthout J, Fuhrmeister ER, Hamzah L, Harris A, Ahmed MA, Gurley ES, Satter SM, Boehm AB, Pickering AJ. (2022) Differential overlap in human and animal fecal microbiomes and resistomes in rural versus urban Bangladesh. AEM.
Powers J, McMurry C, Gannon S, Drolet A, Oremo J, Davis J, Pickering AJ. (2020). Design, field performance, and sales viability of a novel venturi chlorine doser for drinking water in Kisumu, Kenya. npj Clean Water.
Harvey AP, Fuhrmeister ER, Cantrell ME, Pitol AK, Swarthout J, Powers J, Nadimpalli ML, Julian TR, Pickering AJ. (2020) Longitudinal Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 RNA on High-Touch Surfaces in a Community Setting. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. Best paper award.
Nadimpalli ML, MarksSJ, Montealegre MC, Gilman RH, Pajuelo MJ, Saito M, Tsukayama P, Njenga SM, Kiiru J, Swarthout J, Islam MA, Julian TR, Pickering AJ. (2020). Urban informal settlements as hotspots of antibiotic resistance: the need to curb environmental transmission. Nature Microbiology. Cover feature.
Pickering AJ, Sultana S, Crider Y, Islam SA, Goddard, Swarthout J, Sen S, Ayyagari R, Luby SP. (2019) Effect of drinking water chlorination at the point-of-collection on child diarrhea in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a double-blind cluster-randomized controlled trial. The Lancet Global Health.
Pickering AJ, Null C, Winch P, Arnold BF, Prendergast A, Njenga SM, Rahman M, Ntozini R, Benjamin-Chung J, Stewart C, Huda TMN, Moulton L, Colford JM, Luby SP, Humphrey JH. (2019) The WASH Benefits and SHINE trials: interpretation of WASH intervention effects on linear growth and diarrhoea. The Lancet Global Health.
Pickering AJ, Njenga S, Steinbaum L, Swarthout J, Lin A, Arnold BF, et al. (2019) Effects of single and integrated water, sanitation, handwashing, and nutrition interventions on child soil-transmitted helminth and Giardia infections: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Kenya. PLOS Medicine.